c2020s Royal Air Force (RAF) Air Cadet 'Bronze' Pilot Wing and ATC Pilot's Brevet c2020s Royal Air Force (RAF) Air Cadet 'Bronze' Pilot Wing and ATC Pilot's Brevet

c2020s Royal Air Force (RAF) Air Cadet 'Bronze' Pilot Wing and ATC Pilot's Brevet

c2020s R.A.F. Air Cadet 'Bz' grade pilot wing and modern Air Training Corps 'P' Pilot Air Cadet (AC) pilot wing. Both VGC.

New issue RAFAC bronze grade flying badge with embroidered RAF AC. This latest RAF regulation Air Cadet proficiency badge features an embroidered RAFAC surmounting laurels on a regulation RAF dark blue backing. And an A.T.C. 'P' for Pilot wing for flying suit patch.

Code: 465

6.00 GBP