cWW2 Printed Lancashire Fusiliers Regiment Pair Printed Cloth Shoulder Title Badges cWW2 Printed Lancashire Fusiliers Regiment Pair Printed Cloth Shoulder Title Badges

cWW2 Printed Lancashire Fusiliers Regiment Pair Printed Cloth Shoulder Title Badges

cWWII Lancs Fus Regt pr of printed titles removed from Battle Dress.

The 1st Battalion, Lancashire Fusiliers spent the interwar period based in various garrisons around the British Empire. In 1939, upon the outbreak of the Second World War, the battalion was based in British India. During the Burma Campaign, the 1st Battalion fought with various units until 1943 when it became a Chindits formation with the 77th Indian Infantry Brigade, which was commanded by Brigadier Orde Wingate. The battalion was involved in both major Chindit operations, suffering many casualties before the war ended.

Code: 255

80.00 GBP